Trivia: What is the difference between a rabbit and a hare?

Answer: The hare has bigger ears.

The main difference between rabbits and hares is their breeding habits; rabbits are altricial, meaning they are born blind and hairless, while hares are generally born with hair and can move about shortly after birth.

Like the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), some animals may look like small hares but still breed like rabbits. These animals breed in underground burrows and have several litters a year, with many rabbit-sized young in each litter. They don’t survive well in the wild, whereas hares do quite nicely.

One of the biggest differences is that rabbits only come out at night to feed, while most hares are active during the day (except for the Snowshoe Hare, which is active at night most of the year).

Hares are bigger than rabbits. “Hares have very large hind legs and long ears; they are much larger than their altricial young.”

Another way to distinguish between a rabbit and a hare would be by looking at the tail. Rabbits have whitetails on top with a dark underneath, while hares have all-white tails.

Hares live in groups and construct forms by scraping together vegetation, but rabbits don’t. Rabbits move with a hop, skip and jump gait, which gives them incredible agility in their environment.

The average lifespan is 5 to 6 years, while rabbits live 1.5 to 3 years. They can be fed a wide variety of food, including fresh greens, grains, and hay. When it comes to rabbits and hares, the one thing they all have in common is that they are both soft and cuddly.

The average size of a rabbit is much smaller than the average size. The rabbit is a mammal of the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, while a hare is a mammal of the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha. The reason why rabbits and hare have differences is that they are born at different times. A baby rabbit that has just been born is about 20 cm long and weighs less than 100 g.

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