Trivia: What is the role of the brain?

Answer: The body’s control center

The brain is the main organ in the nervous system, which is located in the bodies of multicellular animals. The function of the brain is to receive information from sensory systems and process and use it to manage body activities, such as managing body systems and regulating behavior.

The brain’s role is to do routing and processing of information from sensory input and regulate the output to organs in the body.

The primary function of the brain is “to route and process information; it receives sensory information (input) about stimulations in the environment and the state of body systems, and issues commands (output) that are transmitted to the body organs and regulate their activity.”

The brain is an organ located in the head that serves as the center of the central nervous system. It’s protected by the skull and suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, which cushions it from physical damage.

About 85% of the brain is composed of water. The brain comprises the cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, hippocampus, and other parts. Many vital processes happen in the brain, including thinking, memory-making, emotions, etc.

The primary role of the human brain is to regulate all activities in our body, which includes both voluntary and involuntary actions. As the control center of our body, the brain receives information from our 5 senses and stimulates different organs to work correctly.

Our brain has two halves—the brain’s left half is responsible for language and controls our right side, while the right half controls our left side.

As a child ages, the brain continues to develop. When a child is 10 years old, their brain weighs nearly 97 percent of an adult’s weight. The brain’s frontal lobe is responsible for reasoning, planning, and problem-solving.

When our body lacks oxygen supply, the brain will suffer from damage. The longer that lack of oxygen continues, the more serious the symptoms become. Interestingly, our body produces new brain cells even after death, which means you can never stop learning!

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