Trivia: What is the capital of Canada?

Answer: Ottawa

Canada was a British colony before 1867 when it became independent from the United Kingdom. In the 1840s, many Canucks were still living in their own country but under British rule. Britain controlled Canada for 50 years longer than America controlled Britain.

Because of this history with Britain, if you step out on Yonge Street in Toronto and look south down Highway 401 towards Montreal, you’ll see an extensive city skyline that looks just like London, England. The buildings have been designed to reflect old English architecture. This is one example of how deeply rooted Great Britain’s modern-day Canadian society is.

Canada has a lot in common with Great Britain regarding culture and society. Canadians take pride in being polite, well-educated, and clean. It’s widespread for them to be found speaking on their cell phones while waiting in line at a grocery store, and Canada has one of the highest literacy rates in the world.

Its capital is Ottawa, and its language is English. Canada’s official national sport is Lacrosse, recognized by the Canadian Government. Though Hockey gets most of the press when it comes to sports in Canada, Lacrosse is regarded as one of the oldest field games ever played.

The term ‘Lacrosse’ may even have roots in an old Indian word that means ‘to gather in a circle. Of course, this was before they made the netting at both ends of the playing field to keep score. Then it became more like billiards with sticks instead of pool cues, but otherwise, it hasn’t changed too much since then.

Ottawa is located on the border of Ontario and Quebec. Beautiful forests and mountains surround it to the north, and over a million people live nearby to enjoy them. These include Gatineau Park, Pembroke, Barrie, Oshawa, Kingston, Peterborough, Belleville, Brockville [and] Kawartha Lakes. With a lot of over 1 million square kilometers, Canada is the 2nd biggest country on earth after Russia.

Canada’s climate varies widely, but it’s generally not the extreme climate found in other parts of the world. Most Canadians live where snow can be found during the winter months. Canada’s landscape consists mainly of water bodies since it has over 2 million lakes.

Canada produces valuable minerals such as silver, copper, gold, and uranium. Canada also has a lot of oil reserves. The Canadians are very proud of their country and enjoy sharing its beauty with the rest of the world in film, literature, music, and art.

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