Trivia: Who was the first president of the United States?
Answer: George Washington

He was the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797 due to being elected by a unanimous vote, which is pretty impressive considering that only 4% of the population could even vote back then.
He was unanimously voted into office again at the end of his second term and stepped down. George Washington led troops in battle during the American Revolutionary War and was a hero of the revolution.
On February 22, 1732, George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The first US President died of acute epiglottitis on December 14, 1799, at Mount Vernon, Virginia. He has the most versatile career, including being a farmer, violinist, and surveyor.
President George Washington was also a skilled horseback rider and dancer. He was actively involved in politics, holding important government positions such as head of the Virginia state legislature, Continental Congress representative, and President of the Constitutional Convention.
George Washington’s parents are Augustine Washington (born 1707) and Mary Ball Washington (born 1708). George Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis on January 6, 1759. They had no children together, but he was stepfather to Martha’s two children by her first husband – John Parke Custis and Frances Parke Custis.
George Washington is the only president of the United States who has had a state named after him and many other things such as roads, schools, an aircraft carrier, etc. He was also known as “the father of our country” and “the father of our American Revolution.” Washington was also posthumously nicknamed “Martha’s George” after his wife.
During his reign as the country’s first President, George Washington appeared on approximately 19% of US paper currency. People who lived during his time claimed that he’s the only president to have ever appeared on US currency. The United States $1 bill has two pictures of George Washington on its other side – one in color and one in black and white. However, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered it removed to discourage counterfeiting, which is why you won’t see anything on the $1 bill.
Many people falsely think that George Washington was born in a log cabin as depicted in paintings and movies such as “The Birth of Nation.” The truth is, he wasn’t. He was born at Pope’s Creek Plantation, now called Wakefield. It was built with the help of slave labor and was a two-story house made of bricks.
George Washington’s family estate, Mount Vernon, is open to the public and serves as a popular tourist attraction since it’s located just a few miles from Washington DC. Several US presidents have visited the house itself, including Theodore Roosevelt and Bill Clinton, who took strolls in one of the gardens. He’s also a very talented public speaker and never used notes when addressing the crowds, which were usually quite large. George Washington once said: “All the President is, is a glorified public servant.”