Trivia: What does a panda eat?

Answer: The leaves of the bamboo plant
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Panda’s scientific name is “Ailuropoda melanoleuca,” which means “cat foot black and white.” Ailuropoda is a bear family, and their strength is very powerful. In the wild, the panda’s primary food source is bamboo leaves. However, due to human activities such as deforestation cutting off their principal food supply to low population density, pandas are forced to adapt. They began to eat the bamboo fruit and small animals found in the forest for survival.

Nowadays, humans have placed restrictions on the panda’s natural habitat. As a result, they can only be found in fixed habitats such as breeding centers or reserves. Pandas residing in the nature reserves can eat other animals as a supplementary source of food, such as eggs and earthworms. They can also be seen eating during the regular feedings by rangers at the reserves.

A panda needs to eat 40 to 50 pounds of bamboo leaves every day to meet their energy needs. However, because pandas are very slow eaters, they can only digest about 20% of the nutrients in bamboo leaves.

Pandas don’t drink water because they take the water content from bamboo leaves. But if they don’t have enough food supply, they will have to drink from the well.

Baby pandas milk from their mothers usually once every 2 to 3 hours. In the wild, a mother panda can give birth to 1 or 2 baby pandas at one time. After giving birth to the young ones, they will stay together for about one year and then go separate ways.

They need to stay with their mothers for about one year to learn how to hunt and survive in the wild. The pandas will eventually grow up to become solitary creatures. When they feel like it is time for mating season, they will make contact with other pandas through home calls.

Pandas are like bears, but unlike bears, they don’t hibernate. Pandas can climb trees to get food and hide from predators, but pandas cannot swim. Their limbs are short and curved, with flexible wrists to grasp bamboo quickly. They have giant heads with tiny brains because of their lack of intelligence. In other words, they are useless when it comes to hunting.

Pandas have acute senses of hearing. They also have an excellent understanding of sight, which helps them find food in the mountains or forests even when it is dark outside. Their intelligence level is relatively low, but they remember things that pertain to their survival, such as finding food, where water is located, and which paths lead to safe places.

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