Trivia: Where does pee come from?

Answer: From the kidneys and bladder

Pee or urine comes from the kidneys and then accumulates in the bladder until it’s eliminated conveniently. In some animals, urine is also used as a method of communication through scent marking. This makes sense because dogs will mark their territory by urinating on things.

Other types of urine use include helping with temperature regulation and purging excess nitrogen from the body. The liquid waste contains high levels of nitrogen, which must be kept in check because high amounts are toxic to organisms. Urine also consists of water, salts, hormones, and other chemicals.

Traditionally, urine therapy has been popular in India for thousands of years, including urine to treat respiratory problems, wounds, ulcers, constipation, and back pain. Although this alternative medical treatment has not been widely researched or proven effective by modern science, some believe that ingesting or applying urine to the skin can cure AIDS, cancer, dengue fever, acne, hepatitis C, warts, and other health conditions.

Urine is also a basic method of removing chemicals and drugs from the body. The kidneys filter waste and toxins from the blood before they are excreted in the urine, primarily by retaining materials that can be harmful to the organism and removing them through urination.

Drinking your urine might be harmful because it contains toxins and byproducts from the breakdown of bodily tissues. Ingesting a small amount may not harm a healthy person, but there’s no scientific evidence to support claims that drinking urine can treat or cure any medical condition.

Our body has the natural ability to heal itself by flushing out toxins that accumulate in our cells. That means drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep our system clean. Water dissolves these toxins and carries them out through the kidneys, skin, breath, and even sweat.

You can use the same simple method to detox your body using fresh fruit and vegetable juices instead of water. By drinking juice that’s high in antioxidants, you’ll give your body the tools it needs to keep itself healthy.

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