Trivia: What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland?
Answer: Bagpipes

The bagpipes have been used to play music in Scotland for over 2000 years. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “the first European accounts of bagpipes are about 1500 BCE.” More recently, the instrument was featured prominently during World War I and II. It’s probably best known today not by its sound or history, but by which Hollywood actor wore one during “Braveheart“: Mel Gibson.
“Tartanry” is an American term for all things Scottish, often used interchangeably with “Kilts, bagpipes, haggis, Nessie, and Braveheart.” The United States has long been home to a thriving population of Scottish descendants. Today, there are at least 12 million Scottish descendants in the U.S. or just about 1 out of every 20 American residents!
Bagpipes consist of 3 essential parts: the bag is where the air is placed, the reeds produce sound from the air inside of it, and the chanter is a long pipe with finger holes that make up most of the length of the instrument.
Today, most bagpipes are used as instruments for competition or ceremony, but there’s no denying their value as a weapon of war. For instance, the Scottish Highlanders used them during the Battle of Killiecrankie in 1689, and they were also popular among Serbian soldiers.
Bagpipes, which require an airtight bag to produce sound and pressure-controlled and sounded at will, date back thousands of years. The first known use of the bagpipe was found on a Greek vase dating back to 300 BC.
The flutes of the bagpipes are based on the design of the ancient Greeks. The bag of the instrument was first made from animal hides but has since evolved to be made from plastic and other synthetic materials.
A person who plays the bagpipes is known as a piper. It was common in centuries past to have a senior piper who led the others and knew all the tunes for a military regiment or clan.
The bagpipe’s “bag” holds air, which is then driven through the reeds when the musician squeezes into it, creating sound waves. The musician’s arm position and the tightness of his grip on the bag make a difference in how loudly or softly he can play.
Popular modern tunes often played on bagpipes include “Amazing Grace,” “Scotland the Brave,” and “Mist Covered Mountains.” Other songs, such as “Harry Potter,” were initially written for the instrument.
Movies with bagpipes in the soundtrack include “Braveheart,” “Hamlet,” and “The 13th Warrior.” The pipes are also used in video games like Sid Meier’s “Civilization V” and popular songs like Jay-Z’s “Auld Lang Syne.”